Finance, Financial Products, FRM

Preparing FRM Exam with Job?

Preparing FRM Exam with Job

Start with Book three, four, two, and one. Book three is easy and has very interesting topics and also the coverage by 30%. In Book three – Cover topics futures, forwards, and options together.

Followed by Book four which also covers 30% which has certain difficult topics such as VaR, Bond valuation needs to be covered together. Then Book two, many candidates consider this as difficult the reason being it is based on Quantitative. It is not at all difficult with practice it’s easy. In Book two – Probability, random variables, Time series, simulation, and correlation.

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Preparing FRM Exam with Job – Step 1

Follow dedicated timings each day. Study for a minimum of 2 hours on weekday and weekends increase the hours of studying.

Schweser is more than enough to cover the concepts that are generally asked in the exam. If the time permits go for other books such as GARP books, Bionic Turtle (BT). BT’s coverage on certain topics is too deep and in case that is what you are looking for then go for it. There are many reference books to get an in-depth understanding. If time is not a constraint read more books use Excel spreadsheets to gain a more thorough understanding.

Preparing FRM Exam with Job – Step 2

Start with Book three, four, two, and one. Book three is easy and has very interesting topics and also the coverage by 30%. In Book three – Cover topics futures, forwards, and options together.

Followed by Book four which also covers 30% which has certain difficult topics such as VaR, Bond valuation needs to be covered together. Then Book two, many candidates consider this as difficult the reason being it is based on Quantitative. It is not at all difficult with practice it’s easy. In Book two – Probability, random variables, Time series, simulation, and correlation.

Lastly, focus on Book one as it mainly consists of theory.

Now, let’s focus on solving questions. Covering questions only from Schweser would not solve the purpose as the difficulty level of these questions are very easy and it is much below the difficulty level of questions asked in exams. Make it habit to solve the questions for the topic covered on the same day. Solve as many questions as you can.

Get complete FRM Online Course by experts Click Here

There are many sources online that provide free practice questions. Alternatively, you can go for BT’s question bank, Wiley question bank the difficulty level of these practice questions is high.

It takes around 300 hours to prepare for each level of the FRM exam. It generally depends on a person to person some may take more time, some may take less time. But earlier you start to prepare, earlier you finish and will have more time to revise and practice.

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