Finance, FRM

FRM Level I Exam Structure

FRM Level I Exam Structure

What is FRM Exam??

The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) established the FRM designation to identify and recognize risk professionals who are qualified to make informed decisions based on current, globally accepted industry standards. The FRM designation indicates you have a strong understanding of the underlying risk management concepts in today’s ever-changing financial markets which has been validated by international professional standards.

FRM Exam Structure

The FRM Exam Part I and Part II are pencil-and-paper, multiple-choice exams. They are offered solely in English, twice a year in May and November, at over 100 exam sites around the world.

Examination Dates:

  • May Month – 3rd Saturday
  • November Month – 3rd Saturday

FRM Program Fees

Enrollment for the FRM exam requires a one-time enrollment fee of $400 (USD), due when you register for your first level I FRM exam, as well as individual exam registration fees.

  • Early – $425
  • Standard – $550
  • Late – $725

FRM Level I

  • 100 question multiple-choice exam, the FRM Exam Part I focuses on the tools used to assess financial risk:
  • Paper Pencil Exam
  • No Negative marking
  • Part I is always offered in the morning and must be completed in four hours or less.

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Topics  Weightage
Foundation of Risk Management  20%
Quantitative Analysis 20%
Financial Markets and Products  30%
Valuation and Risk Models  30%

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Important Topics tested in the FRM Level I Exam

  • Financial Products like Futures, Options, Swaps and its Valuation
  • Basics of Risk Management
  • Bond Valuation and Bond Hedging
  • Risk Methods like Value At Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES)
  • Advance Statistics like Hypothesis testing, Linear Regression
  • The Settlement, Clearing Operations in the Market



Financial Risk Management (FRM) Exam Full Details

Job Opportunities for FRM Candidates

Calculator for FRM Exam

Payment Methods – FRM Examination

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