Calculator for FRM Exam

Calculator for FRM Exam

What is FRM Exam??

The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) established the FRM designation to identify and recognize risk professionals who are qualified to make informed decisions based on current, globally accepted industry standards. The FRM designation indicates you have a strong understanding of the underlying risk management concepts in today’s ever-changing financial markets which has been validated by international professional standards.

Types of Calculator to be used?

  • Texas Instruments BA II Plus (both versions), including the BA II Plus Professional

Amazon Link – Click Here

Flipkart Link – Click here

  • Hewlett Packard 10B II,10B II+,20B

Amazon Link – Click Here

Flipkart Link – Click Here


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  • Hewlett Packard 12C (including the HP 12C Platinum and the Anniversary Edition):

Amazon Link – Click here


Exam Calculator Policy?

  • Only the above types of Calculators are allowed by the institute.
  • Please note that there is no exception to the above rule.


If the candidate uses other Calculators in the exam?

  • If the candidate is found using other than the above-mentioned calculator in the exam, he/she will be reported as a violation of the policy and his/her exam will not be graded.


Book your FRM Demo Session Click Here 


Our Views for Calculator:

  • The most preferred calculator for the FRM exam is the “Texas Instrument BA II financial calculator” as most students find it easier to use the calculator.
  • Within Texas Instrument BA Calculator there are two calculators:
    • Texas Instrument BA II Plus
    • Texas Instrument BA II Professional –

For the Exam:

  • Always buy from the genuine sites to avoid calculators giving issues later.
  • If you feel that the calculator might not function properly during the exam, carry an extra calculator.
  • Most students also carry extra battery as a backup.


How to Use the Calculator: Click here



Financial Risk Management (FRM) Exam Full Details

Payment Methods – FRM Examination

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