What is the CFA Exam? Exam Dates 2024-25


If you intend to take the CFA® exam, one of the first things you should know is when it will be held. The dates and times of the CFA exams for each exam level are listed in this article.

CFA Exam Schedule : CFA Exam Dates and Schedules

In 2024 and 2025, the CFA Institute will offer the CFA exam on a regular schedule.

  • Level I will be offered four times a year in February, May, August, and November
  • Level II will be offered three times a year in May, August, and November
  • Level III of the CFA exam will be offered twice a year in February and August

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2024-2025 CFA Exam Dates

The specific CFA exam windows/dates for each level of the CFA Program are as follows:

2024-2025 CFA Level l Exam Dates

CFA Level l Exam Dates

2024-2025 CFA Level ll Exam Dates

CFA Level 2 Exam Dates

2024-2025 CFA Level lll Exam Dates

CFA Level 3 Exam Dates

Download CFA Brochure

FRM Level 1 - Banks Chapter by Ganesh Nayak

How Much Does the CFA Exam Cost?

The cost of the CFA exam varies according on when you choose to register, however there is a $350 one-time registration charge the first time you sign up for the Level I exam.

At the moment, early registration for the CFA exam costs $940, while regular registration costs $1,250.

For Level I, Level II, and Level III exams, there will be increases to early bird registration, paid deferrals, and standard registration prices starting with the 2025 exams.

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How To Register for the CFA Exam in 2024-2025

Three levels of the CFA exam are given to applicants in a computer-based format, replacing the previous 60 years of paper-based examination for Levels ll and lll. In order to take the CFA test, you must first register with the CFA Institute. After that, you can choose to take the exam on any date that the CFA Institute has specified.

Bring these materials to your CFA Exam:

  • The only kind of identification that will be permitted for admittance is a valid foreign passport.
  • Your CFA Exam Admission Ticket: print it on clean paper as soon as it becomes available; you will receive notification from the CFA Institute.
  • An authorized calculator The Hewlett Packard 12C or the TI BAII Plus
  • Advice: if you have a backup calculator, bring it along with extra batteries.
  • Several #2 pencils that have been sharpened
  • Superior quality erasers
  • Sharpening tool for pencils
  • A jacket or jumper in case the testing room gets chilly
  • A wristwatch designed to simplify timing
  • Note that smartwatches are not permitted!
  • To reduce distractions in your testing environment, use earplugs.

Do Not Bring these materials to your CFA Exam:

  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Study/prep materials
  • Phones
  • Tablets
  • Computers
  • Highlighters
  • Correction fluid
  • Rulers
  • Pencil cases
  • Large purses/bags
  • Scratch paper
  • Unapproved calculators
  • Calculator manuals
  • Timers

Ready To Start Preparing for the CFA Exam?

Consider establishing the goal of passing your next CFA test to be centered around using the Fintelligents CFA study materials, which include classes, study aids, access to the Fintelligents  Community forum, exam prep study packages, and mock exams.