Finance, Financial Products, FRM

Key Companies to try after FRM?

Key Companies to try after FRM?

Qualifying FRM opens a plethora of options in your career. The knowledge you gain with the FRM course content will equip you to aim for a lot of companies, even outside the risk profile. Let’s take a look at a few examples to understand this better. Better navigation through profiles must be a target to decide the companies you want to work for.

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Most of us in the finance stream know that one of the key modules of risk management is credit risk. This profile is required in every bank, NBFCs involved in the lending business as well as financial services, credit risk agencies, and insurance companies doing any kind of investment business which involves a counter-party. Additionally, if you have a background in economics, you can also target organizations that cater to country risk profiles which can be commonly found in multi-national lending organizations.

Moving on to market risk, profiles like these are common in almost all industries and all companies because each organization has excess funds in its books which invests in the market. Within the financial industry, you can target trading organizations, banks, NBFCs, mutual fund houses, investment institutions, insurance, etc. Look for non-financial industries as well if this is your expertise.

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Operational risk is one of the most universal profiles and will be found in MNC banks and domestic banks as they are governed by regulatory requirements. To some extent, NBFCs and other financial institutions will also cater to this profile but it may not be a standalone profile because of a lack of regulatory mandates. Some other industries like energy and pharma have now started to learn the benefits of having a separate operational risk team from the financial industry. Maybe in the future, this scope will open across industries.

FRM along with technological knowledge can be very useful in cyber-security and IT security-related profiles, which again have scope across all industries and all companies because, in today’s world, no company can work without IT infrastructure and the risks associated with it. Fin-tech sector is booming at the moment.

Consulting firms are another option where you can try specializing in risk advisory. Certified risk professionals are also valued (and sometimes mandatory) for these profiles. Lastly and importantly, you can also aim to join a regulatory body, central bank, or a governing institution which are primarily responsible for ensuring risk standards are followed in the industry.

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Many financial startups also look for investing early on in risk professionals for multiple reasons. The obvious reason is of course to ensure robust risk practices right from the beginning but also because it’s easier to apply and source regulatory licenses if one can showcase the importance of risk in their companies.

Know your strengths and target the companies accordingly. As is the case with most interviews, give it a try even if the profile is only 70% match and chances are you will get lucky! FRM is the only certification that will reap benefits for you throughout your career!

List of Key Companies to try after FRM

  • JP Morgan India Private Ltd.
  • Morgan Stanley India Co. Private Ltd.
  • Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Ltd.
  • Nomura India Services Limited
  • Deutsche Equities India Private Ltd.
  • Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd.
  • Barclays Bank PLC
  • BNP Paribas
  • Religare Capital Markets Ltd.
  • SBI Capital Markets Ltd.
  • SMC Capitals Ltd.


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